Atkinson & Kelsey Law Firm

Divorce & Special Needs Children

Child Support For Children With Disabilities

You may be a parent of a special-needs child, preparing for a New Mexico divorce or dealing with a separation. In this instance, you may worry about how to handle the challenges and costs of the child’s special needs.

Parents of children with special needs sometimes feel that consideratons used to determine child custody and support do not apply in their cases. Formulas that are based on the assumption of “normal, healthy” children do not take into account the extra care, expenses, and logistical challenges that special-needs children require. It’s a whole different scenario when a child with special needs or a disability is caught in the middle of a family law dispute.

To address the challenges involving a special needs child and your family law case contact the attorneys at Atkinson & Kelsey, P.A., who offer thoughtful, thorough and in-depth representation.

Every child, every separation or divorce scenario, and every illness or disability is unique. Call the Albuquerque domestic violence attorneys at Atkinson & Kelsey at 505-883-3070 or write us using this online form.